The universe has a timeline. Every world reaches a time known as the Transition. Three quarters into the century, Earth has arrived at that time. The time leading to the transition was a time of lines being drawn, with no real awareness of what those lines were or often that they were even there. The two largest nations have divided, having survived their own civil wars. The armistices are keeping relative peace, but over the past decade since the hostilities ended, a minority of Earth’s population are becoming increasingly aware something is very wrong. The Sha’Fosswan, a Kindred race tasked as mentors to the Kindred, have been tasked to guide those who would be free, to endure through the Transition, a time of tyranny, chaos and inhumanity. Cedric, Nelson, Maurice, Katya and so many others must help lead a worldwide revolution, the last revolution, the strangest revolution the world has ever known.